Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.52 Brings Some Big Fixes For PS5 And Xbox Series X

Initially released in December 2020, "Cyberpunk 2077" continues to receive updates after having been relaunched in February with patch 1.5. As of March 22, the game has now been updated to patch 1.52 on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, meaning developer CD Projekt Red has taken yet another step forward in cleaning up its cyberpunk-aestheticized open-world action RPG.

The new update brings a long list of changes. Focusing specifically on next-gen consoles, the PlayStation 5 received the most attention, getting fixes for corrupted save files that previously occurred when importing a save file from the PlayStation 4 client, especially when a console wasn't connected to the PlayStation Network (which caused a separate issue stopping players from selecting the "Continue" button in the pause menu). Memory optimizations mean all players should now expect fewer crashes, as well. CDPR also addressed wet road reflections, which now look roughly as good on the PS5 as they do on PC.

As for Xbox owners, the performance changes aren't as significant, but CDPR finally squashed the bug that previously caused player models to become stuck if the controller disconnected at the same moment the player entered the pause menu. In addition, overall next-generation console changes with patch 1.52 include "minor UI optimizations," a small rework to the vehicle summoning mechanic, and plenty of quest-specific fixes to boot.

Patch 1.5 was a turning point for Cyberpunk 2077

Despite all the hype it garnered, "Cyberpunk 2077" experienced a messy launch due to rampant bugs, performance issues, and – depending on who you ask – an unfinished main story at odds with a world that throws its marginalized characters to the winds. The game was previously removed from the PlayStation Store due to the rampant bugs and performance issues that made Sony deem it unplayable to base PS4 owners. The title eventually returned to the PS Store in June 2021.

Patch 1.5 was arguably a comeback for the game, making some critics reassess whether or not it's worth giving another chance. IGN noted the big version 1.5 update brought significant boosts in performance on both next-gen consoles, confirming both the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 enjoy significant boosts in Performance Mode especially.

Meanwhile, Stacey Henley at TheGamer and Graham Smith at Rock Paper Shotgun both pointed out that "Cyberpunk 2077" is still the same old game with little in the way of fixes for its disjointed story or hollow RPG systems, but now at least it won't turn anyone's gaming system into swiss cheese.

Patch 1.52 makes the game even smoother

Many of the bugs that riddled the futuristic world of "Cyberpunk 2077" at launch are no longer present on both the PC and PS5 versions of the game, which are much smoother and more enjoyable to play (as of patch 1.52) than they once were. The new patch notes show this update isn't nearly as dramatic as what arrived with patch 1.5, though it's certainly worth it for fans to take a deeper look at the specific changes listed on CDPR's website.

As an aside, the team finally added the option to shower at the Nomad camp, which is probably good news for players who are romancing Panam, one of the beloved Nomad characters and potential love interests for those playing as a male V. If you're unfamiliar, V is the protagonist of "Cyberpunk 2077," and can either be male or female based on the player's preference.

CD Projekt Red originally became popular for its video game adaptations of "The Witcher," based on Andrzej Sapkowski's novels, and is making the news once more for its recent "The Witcher" announcement.