Everything You Need To Know About The 'Air Drake' Private Jet

Private jets and mega-celebrities are a common combination. Global icons from Elvis to Taylor Swift have owned private planes. Celebrities today must move quickly from city to city or continent to continent for performances. With the wealth most of them generate, they often indulge in destination vacations at the most beautiful resorts in the world.

Many celebrities, socialites, and even royalty are willing to shell out millions to travel, enjoying the benefits of exclusive aircraft. Drake, aka Aubrey Graham, is no exception. The Canadian-born rapper hasn't let his recent publicity keep him on the ground — he's still jet-setting in his private Boeing 767-24QER, creatively named "Air Drake."

The Air Drake is completely customized from the inside out. The aircraft is representative of the star's wealth and influence. However, the October's Very Own (OVO) founder received the plane under unique circumstances. Let's dive into everything you need to know about Drake's private jet, how he made it into the flying paradise it is today, and how the "Champagne Daddy" paints the sky red.

About the Boeing 767-24QER

The Boeing 767-24QER is a modified version of the original wide-body Boeing 767, introduced in 1984. Drake's plane was constructed in 1996 as a freighter before being modified by Cargojet for use by Drake. The 767-24QER is a medium-to-long-range aircraft, a modified 767-200ER. Its max speed is 565mph, and its max range at weight capacity is 3,000 nautical miles. The 767-24QER has extended-ranger twin jet engines, which allow for an increased cruise speed and hauling ability.

The 767 aircraft is widely used for comfort. It can seat up to 102 passengers in all first-class seats and a maximum of 225 in economy-style seating. The 767-24QER variant is less popular with commercial airlines, however, it is a top choice for many cargo companies and VIPs.

Air Drake, registered as N767CJ, was modified by Cargojet to accommodate the "God's Plan" rapper's grandiose tastes. The price tag of Drake's customized craft makes other celebrity private planes look modest — but he didn't pay a dime for the aircraft.

How Drake got this jet for free

How did one of the richest musical performers in the world get a 767-24QER, estimated to be worth $185 million? The Canadian company Cargojet gifted him the 767-24QER in 2019. Usually, celebrities shell out millions for their private jets. On the lower end, Beyonce bought Jay-Z a $40 million Bombardier Challenger 850 for his birthday. On the higher end, entrepreneur and reality celebrity Kim Kardashian paid up to $150 million for her Gulfstream G650. However, money was not an issue for "Rich Baby Daddy" rapper Drake, as he managed to acquire the impressive aircraft free of charge.

The CEO of Cargojet enthusiastically announced the partnership with Drake in a 2019 press release. "We are very excited to partner with Drake as our ambassador," it read. However, Cargojet did not gift the plane out of generosity. In return, the company received an endorsement worth millions of dollars. The hope is that Drake jet-setting around the world will help bring notoriety to the brand.

Drake's Partnership with Cargojet (paid for by publicity)

Cargojet spent millions of dollars on the plane itself and on Drake's luxury customizations. In return, the air shipping company has received extensive media coverage and publicity from the rapper's fans. As part of his agreement with Cargojet, Drake floods his social media with pictures of himself and his entourage interacting with the luxury jet.

Images of Drake sipping expensive drinks are shared with Drake's millions of followers and subscribers. Cargojet saw an opportunity. By partnering with a famous Canadian celebrity, the company decided to tap into an endless stream of engagement.

Cargojet will use that exposure to drive its cargo shipping business. The company provides air cargo shipping to locations all over North America. Its fleet of aircraft carries 1,300,000 pounds of cargo each business night. The company that has won the Shipper's Carrier of Choice Award for the best air cargo carrier in Canada for two decades expects its extravagant gift to Drake to pay off in dividends. CEO Ajay Virmani expressed enthusiasm for Cargojet's partnership with Drake and for the collaboration to continue to bear fruit over the years.

The exterior of the Air Drake is impressive

The exterior of Drake's 767 is fully customized to the rapper's exact specifications. Louis Vuitton Creative Director Virgil Abloh designed the unique paint job. The plane was originally painted a baby blue with cloud detailing and the words "if you're reading this, we left" printed on the bottom of the aircraft. Those looking up from the ground can see the words "Air Drake" on its engines and the Cargojet logo.

The plane's empennage is decorated with the owl logo of Drake's OVO company. This company decal is associated with Drake as an artist and with his streetwear brand, October's Very Own. The OVO imagery has been part of Air Drake's design since the rapper received the aircraft from Cargojet. However, the Air Drake has had at least two designs in recent memory. In 2020, a sky-with-clouds motif replaced its original baby blue backdrop.

The interior of the Air Drake is out of this world

Air Drake, whose owner is known for his extravagance, sets the bar high for luxury aircraft. Cargojet's remodel of the 767 reflects the pop star's image and lifestyle with boutique apartment-style appointments. The interior of a 767-24QER was originally designed to comfortably seat over 200 people. However, Drake isn't one to have his expression of wealth and celebrity stifled by the original specs of his gratis aircraft.

The Air Drake only has 30 seats, which are made from designer leather and would be at home in any exclusive hotel. Drake has posted a myriad of images showing the rapper and his guests lounging, drinking expensive champagne, and doing other activities. The Air Drake contains three private suites (one with a king-sized bed), two living rooms and a bathroom complete with a shower. Cargojet spared no expense when outfitting this aircraft for the superstar.

Customization and amenities

Cargojet chose a 767-24QER exfreighter for Drake's plane. Though the 27-year-old plane is second-hand, it still beats flying commercial. Cargojet reportedly spent $80-100 million upgrading the private plane before handing the pop star the keys, putting the total estimated cost of the aircraft around $185 million.

The opulence of the Air Drake doesn't stop with a few nice chairs and a big bed. Interior designers crafted the inside of the plane to cater to Drizzy's every desire. This one-of-a-kind cabin features wood and gold inlays, as well as design work by the Off-White founder and Louis Vuitton Director Virgil Abloh. The lush carpeting and lavish amenities are extravagant even by private jet-setting standards.

Drake's private plane has many options for onboard entertainment. Passengers do not have to worry about boredom when flying around the world on the Air Drake — there's a business room, an entertainment room, and an in-air theater. These expensive customizations ensure an exercise in luxury for anyone who boards, making sure that everyone in Drake's entourage truly appreciates his wealth and celebrity.

Where has Drake flown?

Aside from a rigorous touring schedule, Drake enjoys jet-setting to some of the most fabulous locations around the world. Reports show that Drake's first flight was to the islands of Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean, a location he has frequented along with many other luxury places around the world many times since.

The Canadian-born rapper often returns to his home in Toronto via his personal Air Drake private jet. Spectators spotted Drake, an avid sports fan, in 2019 completing a victory lap around Toronto after the Raptors defeated the Golden State Warriors in the finals on June 17.

Drizzy also frequently trips to France, specifically the romantic capital of Paris, a city known for impeccable taste and a luxurious lifestyle — something near and dear to Drake's heart. The rapper's son lives in France with his mother, Sophie Brussaux, another good reason to visit the European destination, as well as to stock up on champagne.

Ups and downs of private air travel

Due to its size, the Air Drake is limited by the accommodation requirements of many smaller airports. The rapper and his guests might be restricted to more commercial destinations or need to book additional transportation. There are also environmental concerns regarding the use of private jets. A disgruntled fan created the celebrity flight tracker in response to high-flying stars' use of private planes — much to the chagrin of many celebrities. These outspoken environmentalists' concerns are not without merit. Rapper and producer Travis Scott's private jet was estimated to have produced 6,061 metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2023. Amid the world's worries about global climate change, it's little wonder that even eager fans have started voicing their concerns about carbon output.

Drake has also received backlash for his short-hop flights. A 14-minute flight uses over 420 gallons of fuel and dumps around four tons of emissions into the Earth's atmosphere. Drake responded to criticism by stating that short flights are only conducted during passengerless moves of the aircraft and into storage facilities. However, the rapper's explanations have not stifled public outcry. Some claim that passengerless flights are worse because they produce emissions and expend fuel without serving a practical function. Fuel costs are another drawback to private jet ownership. As of May 2024, the average jet fuel costs around $6.45 per gallon. The Air Drake's 14-minute flight costs almost $1,000 in fuel beforeother costs associated with essential personnel and airport fees.

The cost of owning a Boeing 767-24QER

Owning a private jet is understandably expensive. Although Drake obtained his airplane free of charge, he is now the sole owner and must foot the bill for all expenses incurred thereafter. Besides fuel, there are many other costs associated with private jet ownership.

Anyone who has the drive and disposable income to purchase a private jet will have to consider a few options before making their selection. First, there is a choice between total ownership, fractional ownership, or the dreaded "timeshare" option. Drake reportedly owns his private jet outright and pays all the maintenance fees himself.

Drake is often indulging in opulent air travel. He is reported to have taken at least 30 flights in 2023. All of that flying comes with the necessary bill of aircraft maintenance, storage fees, staffing fees, fuel costs, insurance, and add-ons such as food, drink, and entertainment. It is reasonable to expect that Drake spends a minimum of several million dollars per year on upkeep for his flying luxury mansion.

Flying like Drake

Flying like the "God's Plan" rapper is limited to the extremely affluent. Even a successful celebrity and businessman like Drake would struggle to finance and furnish a Boeing 767-24QER in the style of Air Drake. Luckily, his partnership with Cargojet supported him and made this vision a reality.

Private jet ownership has many limitations other than just the cost of the plane itself. There are operational expenses, such as flight crew, storage, and insurance. If a person owns a plane as spectacular as the Air Drake, they should stock it with the proper provisions. Flying like the "Champagne Papi" would be inauthentic without a few bottles on ice. The rapper's bubbly brand starts at a very reasonable price of $300.

Environmental concerns are also important for Drake's public image. Celebrities are now, more than ever, concerned with emissions and carbon footprints. Formula One driver Lewis Hamiton gave up his private jet amid CO2 emission concerns. The high-flying lifestyle of Aubrey Graham, more popularly known as Drake, takes time to achieve. The stars aligned for this artist, but very few are as fortunate.