3 Of The Best TikTok Accounts To Follow If You Are A Motorcycle Rider

If you're a motorcycle fan who's ever gotten stuck scrolling through your phone, only to find a bunch of noisy claptrap, then we've got some recommendations for your page. There are lots of motorcyclists zooming around the ginormous internet playground that is TikTok, and many of them perform dangerous stunts, repurpose grim footage of crashes, or simply use their bike as a kind of neat-looking status symbol. 

However, these three cyclists present the exact kind of camaraderie, joy, and customization you'd want to take up your time — and they all come from different parts of the world, riding different kinds of bikes, and making different kinds of content.

So scroll no longer, as you follow these three TikTok accounts that are perfect for the motorcycle rider. And if they inspire you to get out there and start vlogging yourself, well, we'll take 20% commission as a "consulting producer" fee, thank you very much.

Harvey Rides Bikes

Based in merry old London, Harvey does, indeed, ride bikes on his TikTok account — but he does so much more.

"HarveyRidesBikes" is the perfect counterspell for those who might stereotype biker culture as overly aggressive. While Harvey's face remains hidden in a classic motorcycle helmet, his personality knows no bounds. He wriggles through London streets and crosswalks making engaging conversation with strangers, focusing on positivity and connection via simple acts like fist bumps and compliments.

The best version of this content comes when Harvey comes face-to-face (er, helmet-to-face) with an upset driver amid road rage. Rather than escalate the situation toward violence, Harvey responds with simple silliness, and it remains a delight to watch the perpetrators' faces upturn in an inadvertent smile.

Rolling around on a delicious Triumph T120 Bonneville, Harvey shows off the trials and tribulations that come from being a city cycler. Of particular note is the "Average Speed Camera" race against a car in traffic, a keen flip of what may feel boring into exciting, relatable content — just don't try it at home.


Typically, when you hear "Florida man" in a sentence, some gnarly example of poorly conceived human behavior is about to destroy your world. Luckily for us, this Florida woman will only add sunshine to your life.

Carolina Marie, aka "SuperMotoGirl3," gets into the weeds of motorcycle maintenance and customization, but in an accessible, infectious manner. Whether changing her oil, fixing her blown tire, or even "dicing and splicing" some of the wires for maximum individuality, Marie presents an open-minded lust for life, free of any gatekeeping tendencies you'll sometimes see in procedure-focused channels of any hobby.

When she takes her bike (typically a customized Suzuki DRZ) out on the open road, there's much mirth to be had. Using a dynamic, floating 360 camera rig, Marie zooms through gorgeous vistas of Florida, showing out-of-town motorcycling guests the pleasures of the sunshine state. She also chops it up with random people on the street, not afraid to make herself look silly in the process.

Best of all? She sometimes takes her adorable dog on her adventures, and you haven't lived until you've seen a windswept, smiling dog zipping on a motorbike.

The Ninja H2

As you might expect, TikTok user "ninja_h22015" rides a Kawasaki Ninja H2 — a bike that boasts a 1000cc four-cylinder engine, chassis orientation awareness, and piggyback shocks. If you're looking for TikToks that get into the nitty-gritty of various bikes, this ain't it.

But good gravy, will the Ninja H2 user make you physically need to go nab one of these bikes for yourself. Japan is one of the most acclaimed and influential markets for motorcycles, from Kawasaki to Honda to Yamaha. Because this user lives and rides through Tokyo, his content bleeds authenticity, style matching setting with aesthetic finesse to boot.

Sometimes he'll set up videos specifically to evoke neon-streaked, cyberpunk-tinged, Akira-feeling visuals. Other times, he'll simply film his daily routine on a motorcycle in one of the world's biggest and busiest cities. Whatever the case, there aren't many accounts that make the art of cycling look as cool as this one.