5 Underrated Tools You Can Find At Harbor Freight

Many people think they have everything they need for their tool collection, but there are plenty of underrated things to pick up that can help round out your arsenal. If you're in the market for something new, Harbor Freight isn't a bad place to check out. The retail giant has many locations, and you can also shop online if something catches your eye while browsing. Harbor Freight is known for low prices, especially with the store membership, so you're bound to find something you like.

Every tool on this list might be considered a bit outside the box compared to popular picks, but they are also things that will come in handy when working on a DIY project. On top of that, each item has high user scores on Harbor Freight's website. A more in-depth explanation of how these tools were ultimately picked can be found at the end of the list.

Icon Professional Mini Soft Grip Pick and Hook Set

If you're ever working on an engine, a set of precision picks will come in handy. These allow you to hit hard-to-reach areas, and the Icon set comes in at an affordable $19.99 from Harbor Freight. You're getting a pack of four, each of which comes with a different tip that'll suit different situations. They are also useful outside of car work as you can use them to scrape off grime or pick pebbles out of a shoe. Don't be shocked to see yourself always using a pick if you buy the set due to how versatile they are.

With over 200 reviews on Harbor Freight's website, this set of picks comes in with a 4.7 out of five rating. There aren't many notable downsides to point out other than some people wishing the picks were a bit longer. While these are good to reach tight areas, having some extra length couldn't hurt. For the price, it's still hard to beat this set.

Pittsburgh 22-inch Long Reach Screwdriver Set, 2 Piece

While many people might already have a screwdriver set in their collection, there's a good chance they don't have a pair of long-reach screwdrivers. Pittsburgh offers a 2-set from Harbor Freight that costs just $8.99. These boast a 22-inch length, so there's going to be just about no area you won't be able to hit with these screwdrivers, and with the pair being a flathead and Phillips head, both of your bases are covered. You're going to need a spacious tool storage option to put these in as a downside, but there shouldn't be too much trouble other than that.

This set has more than 800 reviews on Harbor Freight's website, where it has a 4.8 out of five rating. There aren't many issues being pointed out, so the only major one you'll find yourself running into is the length. It might be a tad overkill to have a 22-inch screwdriver, but it's probably better to go too long than too short at the end of the day.

Doyle 5-inch Precision Flush Cutter

If you're putting together a home theater system with surround sound, you're likely dealing with some wiring to get them plugged in. Having a pair of flush cutters will make cutting the wiring a breeze, but that's not the only place they come in handy. The Doyle 5-inch flush cutters can also help you clean up zip ties to ensure no sharp edges remain. You can pick these up from Harbor Freight for $10.99. They are also small enough to fit into some tighter spots, like in a computer case where you'll be working with zip ties to handle your cables.

The Doyle flush cutters have a 4.6 out of five rating on Harbor Freight's website and over 300 reviews. Buyers point out the low price and good build quality as selling points, and there's not a whole lot to be upset with here. Doyle offers a 100% lifetime guarantee, so you should be able to spend the $10.99 once and be set for life. 

Bauer 3 Amp Variable-Speed Oscillating Multi-Tool

DIY work around the home might eventually lead to cutting or sanding, so you'll want something that's able to take on both of those jobs. The Bauer oscillating multi-tool fits the bill, and you can pick it up from Harbor Freight for $49.99. Bauer says it can handle scraping, sanding, and cutting, but some limitations have to be pointed out. The big one is the fact it's corded, so you won't be able to take this all over your house unless you have an outlet handy. Luckily, that shouldn't be a problem for most situations in which you'll be using this.

Despite the corded nature, buyers are overall pleased with Bauer's oscillating tool. It has a 4.7 out of five rating on Harbor Freight's website based on over 800 reviews. Reviewers don't point out any glaring issues as it seems to do what it sets out to do, so the only real thing you'll have to decide between is whether corded is for you or not. Ryobi is always a good option for going cordless, but that means you'll need to head over to a Home Depot, as Harbor Freight doesn't carry the brand.

Pittsburgh 1-pound Rubber Mallet

There are many situations where a rubber mallet can be useful, and you can get one for very cheap from Harbor Freight. The Pittsburgh rubber mallet costs just $2.99, and you can use it for woodworking, flooring, and many other things. The rubber part is important because you'll avoid damaging something while hitting it, which is important when installing new flooring. This hammer has over 1,400 reviews on Harbor Freight's website and a 4.7 out of five rating.

No glaring flaws exist for the hammer, and it's very hard to go wrong here since you're not even spending $5. It's lightweight, easy to store away, and does what it's asked to do — hence the high user scores. A rubber mallet isn't going to be something you need to use every day, so you'll be just fine saving some cash and going for a budget option. You can even take it with you camping for an easy way to hammer in the tent stakes.

Why were these tools picked?

All of the tools on this list were chosen because of their affordability and the many ways they can be utilized. Nothing on the list is something that will be a one-trick pony, and that's why you'll find them here. We tried to put a spotlight on items that might not be in your collection already, as most people know what a screwdriver can do, but you shouldn't discount the benefits of having a good one versus a flimsy one.

Everything is available either in-store at Harbor Freight or online. This eliminates the need for a physical location near you, so all the deals you see here shouldn't be unobtainable.