The Ryobi Power Tool You'll Be Glad To Have If You Need Air In Your Tires

Seeing the dreaded low tire pressure light tick on in your car doesn't have to mean it's panic time. Instead of worrying about whether you'll make it to a gas station to add air back into your tires, you can be prepared in the event that happens. The Ryobi Cordless Portable Inflator is a very nice tool to have on hand as it will not only air up your tires, but you don't have to bust out your air compressor. 

Instead of hauling out a big piece of equipment, you can pull out a cordless inflator and get your tires aired up in a hurry. Keeping it in your car is also a possibility thanks to its portability. Snagging yourself one of these will only put you back about $80, so if your car is prone to being low on air in the tires often, it's a good investment. Sales can bring the price of this down even further, so it can be a better purchase if you're patient. If you're not running into problems like low pressure often, you can get more uses out of the cordless inflator than just filling up your tires. Just about anything inflatable would work here whether it's a raft, car, or wheelbarrow tire.

Ryobi provides good value

While Ryobi isn't known as the most reliable or most popular brand, it is a solid choice for many people. The Home Depot exclusive brand targets the budget crowd, but it provides a lot of value hitting that market. Cordless drills, vacuums, and screwdrivers are all considered to be no-brainers for the price tag they're at. If you're just somebody who is a hobbyist then Ryobi is the brand for you.

In the case of the Cordless Portable Inflator, it's not going to be something you're using every day, so it's fine if you cheap out a little and save some money in the process. Another added bonus of the Ryobi brand is the interchangeability of their batteries. The inflator uses an 18-volt battery, and that means you're able to swap it in and out with your other batteries with the same voltage. If you have a bunch of different Ryobi tools, then there's a good chance you have plenty of 18V batteries around the house. This means you shouldn't have to worry about ever being out of juice if you've been keeping them charged.