YouTube Comes To The iPhone; Plus More Official Pictures
As we get closer and closer to that June 29th launch, Apple is slipping us further tidbits of information like a cheeky child dropping pork luncheon meat under the table to a ravenous dog. First up comes a profile shot of the cellphone's dock, shortly followed by the news that Apple have developed a dedicated YouTube viewer that relies on the H.264 compression standard to allow super-small videos with the same – or higher – frame quality than before.
The YouTube application will be preloaded on launch, and we're promised over 10,000 videos ready and waiting in the new codec format. YouTube will be going back through their back-catalogue and intend to have all previous material compatible by the Fall.
Further screenshots indicate how the iPhone manages bookmarked video clips, complete with ratings, and a more detailed information page for specific clips that has greater description and a "related videos" option. Both pages have easy "share" buttons to allow the clip to be forwarded on to a friend.
Images and a demonstration of the proximity and accelerometer sensors have been added to the site also; these indicate the way the iPhone flips the orientation of the screen depending on how it's held, and how the screen itself locks when close to the face.
Apple [via iLounge]