Yet another way to ensure your summer stays good and lazy
Looking forward to those lazy summer days? With the Remote-Controlled Floating Serving Tray (a bit of a mouthful isn't it), you can be even lazier while lounging in your pool or hot tub. It offers all that the name says, because frankly with that long of a name I would hope you covered everything.
Although I'm not sure why you would need one for a hot tub, it would be great for the pool. Just load it up and use the remote control to pass the tray to all of your guests. Hey, just because you're the host doesn't mean you have to wear yourself out actually making an effort to move. It advertises that it will not capsize although I really don't see that thing staying upright when my family decides to start throwing each other in the pool.
It has a 25' range and can rotate 360 degrees. The tray will hold 16 oz. of snacks and measures 9" H x 17" around. It is priced at $49.95.
Remote-Controlled Floating Serving Tray [via nerd approved]