Xbox One welcomes free shooter game Warframe

When we first logged in to the PlayStation 4 back in November of 2013, there was one extremely unique shooting game ready for us to play – one called Warframe. This wasn't and isn't the only 3rd-person shooter game in this console's generation – and it certainly isn't alone now on the Xbox One. But it is free – and it does allow you to fight with a sword.


The demonstration of this game that you see below comes from the PlayStation 4. The game's launch on Xbox One is nearly identical. The two consoles are fighting on different servers, of course, which means you'll not be able to meet your PlayStation 4-playing buddies online if you have an Xbox One, but such is life.

You'll be launched into a sci-fi landscape with a samurai warrior with a machine gun. It's not a landscape you're meant to understand from the outset. The game is fun – it's certainly not something you'll have experienced before.

For free, Warframe is a game you must play. Even just to try this 3rd-person perspective and unique bit of gameplay, Warframe is a must-try. You might even find yourself delving in deeper than the base.


