Xbox One Update April 2015: The Rundown

This month Microsoft is bringing a number of updates to Xbox One – as they do every month – with spots on Party chat, Game Hub, and Achievements. Users are also able to work with What's On, just so long as they're inside the United States, Canada, or the UK. What's on Works with OneGuide to bring suggestions for users for videos, games, movies, TV shows, game broadcasts, and Trending TV based on region. This update will be coming this week to an Xbox One near you.


Users can look forward to Achievement Notifications including descriptions. This means you won't have to go in to the Achievements app to look up what you just accomplished.

Links have been added to the Game hub – this means that when a friend follows a game, you'll be able to tap in to a game's hub from an activity feed post related to said game. This includes feed items about achievements, screenshots, and game clips.

Users working with Party Chat can now see new icons, notifications inside the party chat, and new tips to help get you connected with a mic to speak. Notifications for everyone!

Have a peek at previous updates to the Xbox One below – and let us know if you've gotten your update delivered this afternoon.


