Xbox One First Full Demo Shown In 12 Minute Video

Microsoft isn't letting the first full demonstration of the Xbox One fall into the wrong hands. Similar to what we've seen with the first PlayStation 4 teardown – as done by Sony itself – Microsoft is keeping such a close hand on the Xbox One that they're doing the first full demo themselves. Here you'll find a demo filmed on the 1st of November with what's essentially the final software for launch of this system.


Inside this demonstration you'll find what very much appears to be a live (uncut) demonstration of how the Xbox One will be working on day 1. While you're seeing a whole heck of a lot of "cuts" between cameras, this showing looks just about as legitimate as possible without having a 3rd party publisher doing the demonstration.

On the other hand, if you're all about perfect, real, legitimate demonstrations, you'll want to watch the backs of these fellows heads. Keep a close eye on the pixels in Yusef Mehdi's hair as Marc Whitten tells the Xbox One to launch multiple apps in quick succession, for example. Right at about 3:50 there's a case of a super-frozen Mehdi – that or this man is very, very good at holding still.


Meanwhile the demonstration stands as a really skillfully constructed showing of what the user interface of the Xbox One is like. We'll see for ourselves how quick it all works once we're checking it out in our own lab. Stay tuned!

