Xbox Kinect $99 deal starts today
This week you'll be able to head down to your favorite GameStop or Best Buy location and pick yourself up an Xbox with a Kinect for just $99 USD. THere's a catch, of course, in that you've got to sign up for two years of Xbox LIVE Gold, that costing you an additional $14.99 USD a month. THe cost of the beast you're buying from one of the two stores listed this week will over the course of the contract end up costing you $99 + $360, a price that's quite a bit more than your everyday average $299 for the package with no contract.
This deal is for those of you wishing to spread out your costs over a longer period and for those of you that planned on grabbing a membership anyway. For those of you looking to spend the least amount of cash in the end, the device package you want is everywhere you look. This $99 deal is up at Best Buy and GameStop starting this week.
If you're dissatisfied by what you've purchased, you do have a 30 day return period in which you'll only end up losing your first month's subscription, which is non-refundable. Those people waiting more than 30 days before ending a subscription will be subject to a $250 early termination fee.
Sound like an awesome deal to you?