Windows 8 reactions on Twitter visualized

Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system is getting very positive reactions according to a new infographic put together by social media tracking company MashWork. The company has been tracking tweets about the revamped Windows platform since its first limited preview back in June with a good portion of the reactions collected from the recent Microsoft Build developer conference. Continue after the cut for the full infographic.


The data include 65,968 messages shared on Twitter between June 15 and September 22. About half of the tweets favored the Windows 8 Metro UI when compared to Apple's iOS and Google's Android. The tweets also generally focused on Windows 8's fast boot times, Xbox Live integration, and the new Windows App Store.

"The most interesting thing I found was that people were so receptive to Windows 8 on a tablet," said MashWork founder Jared Feldman in an interview with VentureBeat, noting that the data skewed towards the tech savvy. "A lot of times when you get very well-educated people, who know all the products on the market, they evaluate new things and immediately start hating and ripping it apart.


"What we found for the most part was that people are genuinely excited about Windows on a tablet — so much so that we actually have developer clients who are using this infographic to drum up excitement for Windows 8 before getting their hands on a developer kit to create apps (for the new platform)," added Feldman.

For more details on the recent Windows 8 developer preview, make sure to check out our complete guide as well as our hands-on with the Windows 8 tablet.

