When Net Neutrality dies: FCC final rule release

February 22nd, 2018 was the day when the FCC released their "final rule" document to destroy Net Neutrality. This document came with the name "Restoring Internet Freedom Order" attached to it. It announced the date when the effective enforcement of the elimination of rules imposed by the Title II Order. Effective date for this order's enforcement is April 23rd, 2018.


In 60 days from the Final Rule document, the so-called Restoring Internet Freedom Order will go into force. This document aimed to reinstate the information service classification of broadband internet access service. This was meant to end the Public-Utility classification of internet access service enacted under the FCC board in power under President Barack Obama.

As we saw in previous iterations of this document and its rulings, the current FCC's promoters of this destruction of net neutrality do not intend on presenting any document with unbiased wording. The document continues to use non-objective language intended to persuade the reader into believing in the legitimacy of the ruling. This document should be a declaration, if it were just. Instead it reads like a complaint – something that requires further analyzation.


We've gone through this nonsense before, several times – have a peek at the timeline below for a few more helpful links to data we've accumulated in the recent past. Unlike the moments before and just after the original vote for this ruling, now several states in the USA have passed or are about to pass legislation assuring net neutrality rules will be on the books statewide.

If the FCC won't protect the consumers they're meant to protect, the states will. Good on them. Stick around as this travesty continues to unfold. For more information on the document we've discussed briefly above, have a peek at the Federal Register right this minute. Therein lies the language that's not nearly as transparent as it should be. You can send your thanks to Ajit Pai.

