Weird Al has a big surprise for Midnight

Weird Al will perform the Hamilton Polka with Lin-Manuel Miranda on Friday night's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. But just in case you don't watch that show because it's an absolute nightmare, the single will also be released at midnight tonight. The single, that is to say, for the Hamilton Polka.


Over the past few months, Hamilton (the Broadway play) creator Lin-Manuel Miranda's been talking to Weird Al Yankovic. In fact he's been very much a massive fan of the weird one basically his whole life. As such, when time and opportunity struck for the two to collaborate on a very massive project together, they both took that chance.

The single will drop at 11:59 (Midnight) Eastern Time. That's 11PM Central Time, 10PM Mountain Time, 9PM Pacific Time, and you can figure out the rest. We can safely assume the single will be released to some streaming services soon, but to places like Google Music and iTunes first. Keep your clicky fingers ready to click. This song is right around 5-minutes long and it's going to be just amazeballs as can be.


At the same time, Weird Al is on tour right now with Emo Phillips. They're touring the country with Weird Al's original music and Emo's.... whatever it is Emo does. That tour is called: "The 2018 North American Small Venue Back to Basics Stripped-Down Nothing Fancy Theatrics-Free No, Videos, no Costumes, No Props, No Frills Whatsoever Non-Extravaganza." But that's not all.

The tour is also called the "Sorta-Kinda Unplugged-ish Bare Bones Production Taking it Down a Notch Super-Casual Low Energy Old Guys Sitting on Stools Just Hanging Out On Stage Pulling Out None of the Stops Trying Not to Work Up A Sweat Fun For Us, Maybe Not So Much For You, None of the Songs You Really Want to Hear, All of the Songs You Usually Skip Over, Obscure Original Tunes, Deep Cuts & B-Sides, No Hits, All Filler, Lowered Expectations, Let's Just See What Happens, This Might Really Suck, Crowd-Disappointing, Audience-Baffling, Limited Commercial Appeal, Ridiculously Self-Indulgent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour."

It's gonna be super great, basically. And it's already kinda sorta begun.

No word yet on if there'll be a full Weird Al album in the mix. If there is, it won't likely be announced until the tour is sold out – which, incidentally, it might already be by the time this article is posted.


