webOS 3.0 ENYO SDK Released to Developers

Yesterday was the biggest day HP / Palm have had in a long time, due in no small part to the release of webOS 3.0. This operating system will be working on the several new devices HP announced yesterday including the Palm3, the Veer, and the lovely TouchPad. Today developers for the webOS platform will be able to get their hands on the SDK of the system so they'll be able to begin testing their apps and whatnot out, and so they'll be able to begin creating all new ways to modify, manipulate, and use the new system to their advantage.


This webOS 3.0 ENYO SDK will be available to download from what was formerly known as the Palm Early Access channel today. The privilege of downloading this SDK will be reserved for those that email pdc@palm.com and beg and scream and ask nicely if they can have it. And you DO want it, right? ENYO is resolution independent so you can develop for any of the three devices announced yesterday. If you've used Palm's Mojo SDK in the past you're going to have to change the way you work just bit, but HP has stated that older Mojo-based apps will still function in this new version of the SDK.

Will you be amongst the developers working on webOS 3.0 for these perhaps rather promising new devices? Shoot an email over to pdc@palm.com to request a look at the SDK and try it out. Tell us if it's the system for you, or if you plan on skipping it while you continue to develop for Android 3.0 Honeycomb, Android 2.4 Ice Cream, and iOS 2.3.


[via Switched]

