WandaVision Trailer Confirms S1E4 Sorta Wrecked Everything

The first three episodes of WandaVision on Disney+ were fun, magical, and mysterious. The brand NEW sort of format these episodes were delivered in made them a delight. They ran wild with the sweet spot between taking these superheroes seriously and putting them in situations that are unexpected and funny. Then they wrecked it.


In the first couple of episodes of WandaVision, it was clear that something strange was happening – but it didn't seem particularly important. Eventually the façade would be removed. We knew we'd see what sort of twisted reality this really was. It was clear that this wacky setup wouldn't last forever.

Then they went ahead and released episode 4, and revealed everything. The first three episodes were the TV show experience equivalent of floating through the air. In episode 4, we were swatted down with a giant hand, jammed right back into a Marvel superhero movie. Now we're just watching the sequel to the last Avenger's movie.

It's fine, and I'm sure product-testers and target audiences aplenty will be more than willing to continue watching. The show will eventually lead us into movies like Thor: Love and Thunder, and Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.


But we could have had something fun that lasted a whole lot longer. What we saw in episode 4 was the equivalent of The Mandalorian skipping the entire second half of season 1 and the entirety of season 2, right to the last episode. As you'll see in the "mid-season trailer" below, that's basically what's gone on here, and it bums me out.

This situation bums me out because the first three episodes of WandaVision were constructed in a way that my whole immediate family could enjoy it for what it was – funny, strange, and interesting. By the end of episode 4, their interest level tanked. I'm crossing my fingers that Disney and Marvel have the courage to create another oddity like the first half of the first season of WandaVision in the future – but I'm not holding my breath.

