Walkman Necklace From CompleteTechnique

Those that have a relative to shop for this Christmas that can't let go of technology that was abandoned long ago might want to keep this Walkman Necklace in mind. Not only does it have that sentimental value, it is one of the better designs I've seen. Although it is slightly cheesy, it features great craftsmanship.


I can understand holding onto old technology, there are times that I look at my DVD collection and cringe at the knowledge that I'm going to have to go through and replace all that at some point. The coolest part about the necklace is that it features a tiny plastic cassette tape stored within.

Although the quality of jewelry is impeccable, it comes at an extremely high price especially since its a pendant of out-dated technology. The necklace is being sold for $175.

Retro Walkman necklace [via pocket-lint]

