Vodafone Spraypaints Mobile Phones White, Projects Light Unto Them, Tells a Story

Our good pals over at Vodefone have created a video in which they take phones from throughout their own lengthy history, spraypaint them white, and project lovely images toward and on them in order to show a magical video taking us all through the history of mobile. This is what they're called "the first small-scale projection mapping installation using a hand-held camera." Whether that means they just filmed it going through the steps with a handheld camera (looks like it) or if the projector is a hand-held device is up to debate.


The video itself starts with a big fat Zach Morris phone and rolls right on into Android, hitting the first color (or colour, I suppose, you Brits,) screen and GPS-carrying mobile phone. The entire video takes place within a 2.5 minute span, and it IS quite the entertaining display. The question is – when will I get to project these images with my Vodafone-carried device?

Here's my question for you, the community – do you find this sort of "viral" video engaging, or would you rather have one of Vodafone's device-specific ads like the following one showing the Xperia Arc? I prefer clarity – but DO love the little Andy peeking out at the very end!

