Valve "Free To Play" Gaming Documentary Video Released In Full

The team at Valve responsible for releasing the gaming documentary "Free to Play" aren't making any attempt to pretend it was done for profit in and of itself. Instead, released in its entirety entirely for free, Free to Play is a feature-length documentary aimed at changing the minds of those who view it, or for those that already consider gaming to be a "legitimate" occupation, sport, or activity, to strengthen their resolve.


Here we've got one hour and 15 minutes of coverage on the world's first DOTA 2 International Tournament. Following the experiences of several players, this documentary shows how this relatively unique lifestyle is played out. This is "E Sports", and it's going big, buddy.

According to Valve, E Sports "has surged in popularity to become "one of the most widely-practiced forms of competitive sport today." Suggesting that this DOTA 2 tournament "changed the landscape of the gaming world". With a million dollar prize up for grabs, how could it not?

This documentary was produced by Valve and is being delivered to YouTube (as you see above) as well as through Valve and on iTunes as well.

This documentary will be streamed at 9AM PDT on the 19th of March, 2014 as well. Have a peek at Twitch and don't forget to stick around SlashGear's own OfficialSlashGear Twitch profile as well – streaming coming up sooner than later!


Above and below you'll see some bonus footage as well – Valve may well be updating with additional clips too – stay tuned!

