Twilight Princess Hack Is Officially Back In Action

The latest firmware for the Wii made more than a few people upset with its ability to render both the Twilight Princess hack and Freeloader useless. We told you that the team at Hackmii was already preparing to release a workaround to one of those hacks. It's not even been a week and they've already managed to release this "fix".


If you were a user of the Twilight Princess hack, you may now safely download the 3.3 Wii menu update. It will temporarily break the hack, but if you install the fix from Hackmii, then you'll be back in action before you know it.

I have to say that stories like this really make me feel bad for the guys that spend months working to block these kinds of hacks. I don't think I could deal with the fact that it takes so little time to undo everything I worked so hard on.

[via Joystiq]

