Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 gameplay/interview trailers released

This week the folks at Activision are ramping up – pun intended – for Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5. They're releasing both trailers in gameplay and trailers in interviews, all leading up to the first Tony Hawk Pro Skater full release in 13 years. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 was released all the way back in 2002, while a number of spin-offs and odd games like "Underground" were released in the meantime. Now it's time to return to the formula that made Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series great.


In all there'll be a whopping TEN installments in this series of Tony Hawk games. Can you imagine the dominance? Think of all the other skateboarding games you've played or know of – now think of how many came out before the first Tony Hawk. They were flat. After THPS, they became big.

The trailer you see above shows gameplay elements as well as interview material with Tony Hawk himself and several developers at Robomodo. This game is being developed by a team at Robomodo and published by Activision, the same publisher that's worked with the THPS franchise since the beginning.


Above you're seeing Tony Hawk's son doing a 900. All previous games only allow Tony Hawk himself to do a 900 – or to do a 900 and get credit for it, that is to say.

According to Tony Hawk himself, "#THPS5 release date is Sep 29 for PS4 & Xbox One. There, I said it. (PS3 & 360 later this year)." We'll be waiting.

We've been waiting for this game for many years. More than thirteen years. Since Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 was released. That's a while.

