Tiny HD pro video camera gets fibre upgrade
If you're planning a home-endoscopy and you want to film your bowels in high-definition, then right now you're best bet is probably Iconix's HD-RH1 – the smallest pro-quality HD video camera on the market. Just 1.32" x 1.50" x 1.92" and weighing 2.5 oz, Iconix are hailing it as a success (albeit a niche one) having sold over 200 of the specialist units since its launch in December 2006. Now they've refreshed the line, adding direct fibre-optic output from the camera itself and introducing the RCP-160 remote control panel.
The RCP-160 can connect up to six RH1 cameras and allow remote control of each's lens, camera paint controls and memory card interface for scene and setup storage. The RH1, which can film in 35 different format and frame rates including true High Definition from 1080p, 1080sf, 1080i, 720p to NTSC and PAL, is now capable of direct camera genlocking via an SDI or fibre optic serial digital source.
As standard the RH1 is operated by a single-source HDTV controller unit, itself compact at 8.4" x 1.8" x 12" while weighing 3.5 lb. Used already in both film and television work, including Ocean's Thirteen and National Geographic Television's Planet Carnivore, the updated model will be available in June 2007, while the remote panel is expected to ship in early Fall 2007.