The Last Guardian at long last coming to the PS4
A Final Fantasy VII remake isn't the only long-standing wish that Sony is finally fulfilling, or at least promising to, at E3 2015. Almost a decade in the making, Fumito Ueda's third emotional adventure game is finally getting its long overdue launch. Yes, The Last Guardian is finally going to be a real game. Though given it was first announced back in 2009, we reserve the right to be a bit cautious. Still, finally making this game real has sung to the hearts of many, given the flood of positive remark on the Internet after the reveal.
Ueda's games have enjoyed a particular niche in a gaming market that's overflowing with adrenaline-pumping games on one hand and pixelized retro games on the other extreme. His games seem to bridge both worlds, sometimes exhibiting the tense moments when your character needs to make a critical jump across a bottomless abyss, and the more relaxing mechanics of a non-combat adventure game, though you do sometimes have to fight your way through, like in the Shadow of the Colossus. Most of the time, though, you are left to solve the puzzles of how to get form point A to point B.
Like its predecessors Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian is almost bereft of dialogue. The words you will mostly hear are those of the boy's calls and unintelligible monologue. The game revolves around a boy and his pet, which happens to be a large beast that's a cross between a bird and a dog and a cat. Your goal is to navigate through platforms and stages, employing the help of your trusty friend. Doing so, however, is precisely the challenge, as you'll have to coax and treat the beast just like any other real-life pet, with food, petting, and the like.
The Last Guardian was first announced in 2009 but delay upon delay has made it almost a legend. In fact, it has almost become tradition to expect it every E3 or other annual game conference. Somewhat ironically, this might have been the year when rumors and expectations were silent, and yet it was this year that it was finally announced that it will be coming in 2016. Better cross your fingers that it will really be the last.