The DoomBOX: DIY Doom console hacked from camera [Video]

You need quite a few fingers to count off all the reasons why this particular hack is awesome: it's based on a digital camera with a hacked OS, plays classic 3D shooter Doom, and uses authentic keyboard buttons for control.  The handiwork of JJ Dasher, The DoomBOX is based on a Kodak DC290 digital camera with a custom port of Doom for its hack-friendly Digita OS.Video demo after the cut


Apparently Digita was quite a popular platform for hacking at one point, and there are various ports of different apps for it including a MAME emulator.  Having settled on Doom, however, the camera's button layout didn't suit, so JJ crafted a custom enclosure with buttons salvaged from a vintage soft-feel PC keyboard and laid out in as close to the usual pattern as space allowed.

A bigger speaker, LED indicator for CF card activity and room for a future internal battery round out the hardware changes.  It's not pretty, no, but we still want one.

[via OhGizmo!]

