Tech glitch causes San Diego fireworks to go off all at once

July 4th has come and gone, and we hope it was a good one for you. Unfortunately for the people who attended the San Diego Independence Day fireworks, the show that was supposed to last 18 minutes was reduced to a 15 second-long explosion of fireworks. That's right, they all went off at once.


It was said that a technical problem caused a signal to be sent to the barges about five minutes before the show was to begin, which actually set the timing for the fireworks to go off after the introduction. According to the fireworks company that put on the show, Garden State Fireworks, all signals were tested properly hours leading up to the show.

Check out the video below to see the entire show explode right before your eyes, from start to finish.

The company said that a mishap like this one is very uncommon and there was nothing found to be wrong in the pyrotechnics, so it had to be an electronics problem. An embarrassing situation for the Port of San Diego, a tweet was sent out last night apologizing for the short-lived event.


[via CNET]

