Tapescape Robot Built From Old Boombox

Crafted lovingly from the guts of an old boombox, this Tapescape robot is intended to snuffle about your desk, following a strip of tape.  The handiwork of Michael Colombo, the Tapescape 'bot is able to track forward, backward and turn, while playing music.


In fact, the music it plays is read from the same tape strip that guides it, making for a crackly, glitchy performance.  Audio is wirelessly sent to any nearby radio, courtesy of an FM transmitter strapped to the top of the robot.

No build guide or any more photos than the two above as yet, though we're hoping Michael relents and shows us how to make our own version.  We'd wager there are plenty of SlashGear readers out there with old boomboxes that they'd happily sacrifice.

Update: There's a build-guide and video demos here.

[via MAKE]

