T-Mobile Ad Surfaces Confirming Family ETF Payoff Plans

T-Mobile and its CEO, John Legere, have been teasing its plan to offer to pay early termination fees (ETF) for customers that transfer in from another carrier. All of the details of T-Mobile's Uncarrier 4.0 plan that the ETF payoff is thought to be part of are expected to come at CES, possibly today. Ahead of the official talk about the plan, an ad has surfaced from T-Mobile.


That ad confirms that T-Mobile will be paying ETFs for families that transfer their lines in from other carriers. The ad reportedly has been surfacing on tech sites around the web. The ad itself can be seen below.

The ad states that T-Mobile will pay your family's early termination fees when you trade in your devices at T-Mobile. The fine print on the bottom of the ad states that Qual'g service and a device purchase with a line port-in from AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint is required.

The ETF payment will cover up to five lines. Sources have stated that the maximum that T-Mobile will pay is $350 per family. If you haven't been on your current carrier long, that won't cover all the termination fees you are likely to accrue. The family has to bring over at least three lines to get the $350 according to the sources. AT&T hasn't taken the news of T-Mobile's plans lightly, it has offered $450 to people who transfer in lines from T-Mobile to cover ETFs.


SOURCE: Droid-Life

