Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse: Here's how to see it right now!
How do I see the Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse today? That's the question the entirety of the United States seems to be asking right this minute. By the time this article is released, it might already be in the sky for you! Have a peek at the timeline below to see when and where this extremely rare occurrence is set to take place.
For those living in the United States, the Super Blue Blood Moon is set to begin at 2:51 AM Pacific Time – that's this morning at right around 5AM Central and 6AM Eastern Time. That'll be when the penumbral eclipse begins. Umbral eclipse begins around one hour later.
The big event, right in the center of that sweet, sweet umbra action – that'll begin a bit later. That's when the moon will be red. That's the part of this adventure you're almost certainly looking for. For that, the event times are as follows:
Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse Times (approximate):
• 5AM – 7AM Pacific
• 6AM – 8AM Mountain Time
• 7AM – 9AM Central
• 9AM – 10AM Eastern Time
These times are when the most Blood Red moon can be seen. The rest of the event will last another two hours. If you're within any of these time spans, head out and check the morning sky. If you can see the moon, you're witnessing an event that's not happened for a cool 150 years!
This event combines three lunar happenings at once. One is the moon circling our part of the Earth at a distance far closer than normal. The Blue part means this is the second full moon in the span of one month. The Red part comes from our Earth nearly completely blocking the light that'd normally hit the Moon, thereby creating a red hue in the little light that does come through because of our atmosphere. This triple event is one you won't likely see again in your lifetime!