Steve Jobs Bronze Statue Unveiled In Budapest, Hungary
This week the statue of Steve Jobs in Budapest you may have heard of has been officially unveiled, looking much like a man on a mission, complete with his patent-perfect set of jeans and turtle-neck, all in one color. Erected by Hungarian software company Graphisoft and designed and sculpted by sculptor Erno Toth, this monument is the first in what's sure to be a long line of statues complimenting the life of the late software powerhouse. Graphisoft wants the world to know that they appreciate everything Jobs did for them, including inspiration, but not least of all cash and computers.
Photo credit for the shot above goes to Laszlo Balogh who took the photo for Rueter's original story straight out of Budapest. The group spoke with Graphisoft Chairman Gabor Bojar who mentioned the work by Toth to be a dedication to the man who represented a revolution which, as he said in so many words, "can only be compared to the discovery of writing." Bojar spoke highly of Jobs for his contributions to a then tiny firm in communist Hungary in the 1980s:
"He was one of the greatest (personalities) in our era, that's what we wanted to express with this sculpture here. ... In some ways, Apple was a religion. We have felt his spirit every day and now it is embodied. We hope that we can deserve with our entrepreneurial culture in Hungary what this sculpture expresses as a message." – Bojar
What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Look like a nice enough statue to encapsulate the epic nature of the man who was essentially responsible for bringing the personal computer to the market at large? What would a statue of Steve Jobs look like if you made one yourself? Would it include an iPhone or two?
[via Rueters]