Steam is down: Web API, Store, Community are all out

This morning Valve is having a bit of an issue with its Steam Store and Steam Community pages. If you're aiming to play games with friends, you can probably make an attempt, but you'll be really SUPER lucky if you're able. The Steam Database and DB Updater appear to be running as normal, while Steam CMs are at 74% online. Steam Store and Community are either down or Very Slow for most users around the world. That means you, Jimmy. Go outside and play instead.


Dota 2 is down at the moment – the Game Coordinator for this game is out of commission and has been out of commission for about 40 minutes at the time this article is being posted. CS:Go also has no session at this time, and seems to have gone down at the same time as DOTA, which would make a lot of sense.

Oddly it seems that Team Fortress 2 is running as normal. If you're all about blasting your friends in the face with an odd assortment of guns or a bow and arrow, by all means, jump in.

For everyone else, there's "an error occurred while processing your request." Just what you wanted to see at lunch time on a Thursday afternoon.

Have a peek below at some action you can handle while you're waiting for Steam to come back up. It's about gaming.


