Steam Greenlight approves ten new games
Steam Greenlight has been up and running since August 2012, and so far, it seems to be working out at least relatively well. Today Valve announced the fourth round of games to make it through the community voting service, meaning that more than 60 games have now been approved through Greenlight. That isn't too bad, and if you've been gaming for a while, there's at least one title in this latest round of approvals that you'll recognize.
Without further ado, here are the ten games that have earned a spot in Steam's catalog: Akaneiro: Demon Hunters, Asylum, DLC Quest, Eador: Masters of the Broken World, La-Mulana, Leisure Suit Larry, MaK, The Age of Decadence, Unepic, and War For The Overworld. A pair of software titles have also been approved by the community, with articy:draft (a game design tool) and GroBoto (a modeling app) given the go ahead to join Steam's still-young line up of non-game software.
Of course, just because these games have earned the approval of the community, that doesn't mean they'll be available on Steam right away. Valve says that all of these titles will be launching independently over the next few months, so it's ultimately up to the developers when these games go up on the Steam store. Valve couldn't get more specific about potential release dates as all of the titles approved are in varying stages of development.
Steam Greenlight launched as part of a larger roll out of new features for the digital distribution service. Around the same time, Valve also introduced Big Picture Mode and launched the Steam for Linux beta. Group those with the revamped Community Hub, and there have been plenty of new things for Steam users to get excited about. Hopefully it won't be long before Valve is ready to announce the next round of Greenlight-approved games, so stay tuned.
[via Valve]