Star Wars Uncut Directors Cut fan-stitched masterpiece now online in its entirety
It's been nearly 3 years in development and thousands of hours of blood, sweat, and fun had in the process, and it's finally here: the complete re-make of Star Wars: A New Hope constructed entirely of fan-made 15 second clips. This project was originally called Star Wars Uncut, and this final product is of course called Star Wars Uncut: Director's Cut, and stitches together the entire set of hundreds of clips into one perfected bunch. This version is the "final" version of the film, and is available for you to watch 100% for free and in its entirety.
This crowd-sourced bit of genius is available to watch both on Vimeo and on YouTube, both versions being dropped into this post here for your enjoyment and just incase one or the other is knocked out by the authorities that be. That said, it does appear that they've run into little to no trouble in creating and publishing this fan film, more than likely because there's so much love in every bit of the process that no Empire could possibly resist. See if you can count how many times Legos are used in place of actors and droids:
This project, again, started in 2009 and was initiated to work with just the first Star Wars film: A New Hope. Contributors were asked to bring forth a 15 second clip assigned to them by the loosely tied leadership for the project, using whatever means necessary to bring the clip to life in a creative way. In 2010 this project won a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Creative Achievement In Interactive Media, and it's well deserved! The version you're watching now has been put together by Aaron Valdez and Bryan Pugh, they doing video editing and sound editing to make this product one that's not only watchable, but entirely enjoyable to behold!
Now it's time to start in on The Empire Strikes Back! Hooray!
[via StarWarsUncut]