Square Mobile Payments Opens to the US Thanks to the iPad

Remember the Square mobile payments system? We've covered it a couple times, the most recent of which we were covering the official announcement of the product launching. The original launch was centered around the iPhone and the iPod Touch, and it was pretty memorable because of that dongle needed to process transactions. Well, the company has more good news to report today, which coincided with another company's, last we checked.


Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and currently the CEO of Square, announced today that the company is opening up to the US, and they're doing it with the help of Apple's tablet. The service is primarily aimed at merchants, but it's been Dorsey's position since the announcement of the service that it could, indeed, help just as many consumers. We're of the mind to believe him, as many personal transactions go forgotten over time.

A perfect example is the world wide service, Craig's List. We're pretty sure you've probably used it at least once, or know someone who has. If you're handling large transactions, but you aren't comfortable walking around with all that money on you, then Square is the perfect alternative. Transactions take a few days, but the company is still hoping to make the whole system faster soon.


[via @Jack]

