Spotify Hits The Kindle Fire

This week it's time to get back to the streaming side of things as Spotify hits yet another platform in the mobile space. On the Kindle Fire, Spotify's streaming music service will be working with Android 4.0 with full support. You've got mobile free radio as well with the ability to create new radio stations and save the songs that you're going to listen to multiple times. This application is available for download immediately through the Amazon Appstore for Android – you simply must grab it!


This release places Spotify on a tablet that's been doing quite well in its first few months being on the market but has caught quite a bit of flack lately as Target dropped it from its ranks almost entirely. Have a peek at that giant retail cut-down and ask yourself if you're glad you got yours while the getting was good. Then whip it out and have a peek at all the new features on this streaming music app.

Spotify for Kindle Fire has an all-new slide-out navigation bar and comes with a lovely collection of social features for all! You've got artist imagery and album covers in full high definition greatness, and you can work with related artist view to learn more about musical groups you might never have otherwise realized existed! When you're listening in on this device you've also got 320kbps listening power that Spotify called "extreme" sound quality.


This build of the software is what Spotify tells us is "lightening fast" and, again, it's available right this second – so go out and get it! Of course you'll want to note that this version is limited based on your subscription status, you might have to grab the billfold as well. Have a peek at the timeline below to see other Spotify updates in recent weeks too!

