Sony Releases Danielle Steel Limited Edition Reader

As you no doubt have heard by now, Amazon announced their latest ebook reader today called the Kindle DX, and now it looks like Sony snuck out a new product without too much notice. It's the same second-generation of the Sony Reader, but this one has a very specific focus.


Called the Danielle Steel Limited Edition, this Reader is decked out all in red and has a cover that matches and features Steel's recognizable logo. When you buy this version of the Reader, you get a promo code to download several of her books including Sisters, Bungalow 2 and Echoes.

Apparently, you get a message from Ms. Steel herself along with the purchase. This Limited Edition model costs the same as the standard version at $279.99. You should be able to get your hands on it by the end of the week.

[via Chip Chick]

