Sony Playstation Phone, More and More

Curiouser and curiouser. Certainly by now you've seen that one photo of the PlayStation phone, the one where it says 23:39 and has a really sparse (yet promising?) look to it? Yeah well, check it out, here's some more. These ones come with a tiny bit more info, including a claim by Engadget that it's totally, completely, really really real.


This new Sony Ericsson Playstation Phone looks to be codenamed with the king of gods: "Zeus" title, and seems to have been running different versions of Android in separate photos. One prototype seems to supplement 512 MB of internal storage data or more with an 8 GB SD card. Phat. The device appears to have a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor, a 5 megapixel camera, and a touchpad (kinda seems to be in place of those knobs you've got under your thumbs now.)

[Via Mashable]

