Snapchat adds Birthday Party lens for your special day

When your special day rolls around (that's to say, your birthday), Snapchat will have a little treat for you. Found in the new Birthday Party feature is a couple special birthday-centric lenses you'll be able to unlock, something that will also be available on your Snapchat friends' birthdays. The lens you get will be adjusted based on whether it's your own birthday or that of a friend.


It's a small but fun feature, one that no doubt exists so that users will start adding their birthdays within the app. If it's your birthday, you'll be able to unlock a lens that announces it as such. If it is a friend's birthday, you'll see an option to unlock a different lens, which will enable you to send a festive Happy Birthday image to that person.

Of course, you'll need to set your birthday to get access to the birthday lens, and you can set it for, say, today if you want to see the lens now — though you may get errant well wishes from unsuspecting friends.

Snapchat isn't the only social network wanting a little more birthday action to take place. Yesterday, Facebook introduced its new Birthday Cam feature, which seeks to have Facebook users provide well wishes as a video rather than a generic "happy birthday" written on one's wall. The feature has launched for the iOS app, and will presumably come to Android at some point, though details on that are lacking at this time.


SOURCE: Mashable

