SlingCatcher reviewed: Core functionality great, some rough edges

Sling Media's SlingCatcher has only been officially shipping since this morning, but already Sling Community have their review posted.  The SlingCatcher works a little like a SlingBox in reverse, displaying content either from one of the company's own streamers, from a computer running the supplied SlingProjector software, or from an attached storage device.  The review breaks down the media player into each of these three categories, and for its primary function of gobbling up SlingBox content it looks like the SlingCatcher is a winner.


Flexibility scores the SlingCatcher points, with a range of outputs and a lightweight design that means transporting it from room to room – or even taking it on holiday – is painless.  Receiving SlingBox media is equally simple, and while initially the concept of streaming content from one part of your house to another seems bizarre, when you consider how expensive adding extra cable TV boxes to your subscription package can be, the SlingCatcher could be a far cheaper option.

SlingProjector is perhaps less clear a success: although no less useful, the lower resolution means you wouldn't particularly want to watch a whole film with it.  MyMedia similarly has some rough edges, with too many unsupported file types and limitations on what hard-drives you can use with it.


Still, for its primary purpose the SlingCatcher works very well.  Whether it sells as well seems to depend on Sling Media themselves, and the sort of software and feature updates they offer over the coming months.

[thanks David!]

