Sleek Audio developing Kleer audiophile wireless earphones

Sleek Audio, an audio equipment manufacturer who are so convinced by their SA6 in-ear monitor headphones that they don't actually make anything else, have announced that they will be the next company to use Kleer's wireless audio technology.  Kleer's system, ostensibly a rival to Bluetooth A2DP, is special because of its ability to carry CD-quality audio despite ultra low power consumption.  The new Sleek implementation will also support Kleer's Listen In technology, which allows up to four users to hear the same source from a single transmitter.


Kleer technology was first made available in Sennheiser's MX W1 earphones, which closely resemble the initial reference design Kleer developed.  They carry a $600 price tag, however, which is why audiophiles were interested to see DigiFi's Digital Opera system, while launched at the beginning of last month, that introduces Kleer at a much lower, $98 price-point.

It's uncertain how the Sleek Audio implementation will work, whether a small wireless adaptor for existing SA6 earphones (the cable section unplugs from each) or a brand new set.  According to Sleek, the product will be available sometime in Q4 2008, with pricing details disclosed then.

"With Kleer, wireless technology has finally caught up with the level of quality our earphones provide, and our first demo of our wireless SA6's at CanJam2008 received incredible reviews. It's great when audiophiles are blown away, that's when you know you've really done something special" Jason Krywko, VP, Sleek Audio


Edit: Sleek Audio have been in touch, to confirm that the Kleer wireless adaptor will plug into the existing SA6 earphones.  That means current and new owners will be able to use the system, and if the batteries run out then you can revert to using the cabled connection.

