Score Hero Spends Some Quality Time With Guitar Hero III

I'm a very impatient person, I hate waiting for a new game to come out. Guitar Hero 80s was alright, but I've already beaten it, with only a couple of songs left to 5-star. I'm ready for the next full game to come out, Guitar Hero III.


The guys over at Score Hero were invited to a special sneak peek at Guitar Hero III on the Xbox 360. We can look forward to a couple of new characters, Midoi and Slash, as well as 8 new venues where we can rock out. They also were able to score a few new tracks that have not yet been revealed.

- Suck My Kiss – Red Hot Chili Peppers (Master Track)

- La Grange – ZZ Top

- Number Of The Beast – Iron Maiden (Master Track)

- Through The Fire And Flames – Dragonforce (Master Track)

I don't know if you've ever heard Through The Fire And Flames before, but that song is absolutely crazy. Most people that went and played that song were failing at 1-3%. I'm going to guess that it's like Jordan on steroids.


Something very cool that Neversoft has taken a new approach to is the hammer-ons and pull-offs. They're actually looking at whether or not the notes are actually strummed or hammered-on when playing the song on a real guitar. This is definitely going to give the game a more realistic feel.

We've all seen the new guitars that are going to come with the game. I'm really excited about the wirless guitar for the 360, since all you'll need is just the guitar itself, no extra wireless adapter or anything. The guys at Score Hero loved it, and confirmed that it still works great standing over 50 feet away.

I can't wait to get my hands on these new tracks. Thanks to the guys at Score Hero for passing along this info to all of us!

ScoreHero Invades Neversoft (Exclusive GHIII Info!) [via scorehero]

