Scalado PhotoBeamer for iPhone makes sharing magic

Today the photo-loving folks at Scalado have released an app for iPhone by the name of PhotoBeamer, making it easier than ever to "beam" photo galleries to larger displays. This application essentially is a one-tap mirroring system for your iPhone with iOS 5.x to connect to any device capable of displaying a web browser. Both devices must be connected to Scalado's and you'll instantly have a "modern era slide projector" at your fingertips.


There's no need to configure anything, no need to connect the two device you're working with in any wireless fashion other than having the iPhone open with the app and the display open with a web browser pointed to the right webpage. That webpage again is just and your app will be displaying photos in any of several modes of presentation. You'll be using progressive beaming with patented Scalado imaging technology, this giving you what they say is "the fastest possible experience even over slow connections."

This application will cost you a mere $0.99 USD and is available right this second on the iTunes app store. Grab this application [download now] for your iPhone and use it to bring your perfectly simple photo displaying activities to the next level. Have a peek at Scalado's vision for this application here:


Then check out the timeline below and see how the folks at Scalado have been advancing the world of photo display over the past several months as well.

