Samsung talks NX hybrid camera
One of the big splash at the 2009 PMA, or in digital camera industry for that matter, has to be Samsungs' NX hybrid camera that launched a day prior to the show. An implementation resembles Micro 4/3, bigger due to larger sensor size, but much compact than DSLR. A new standard hopes to capture 20 percent of global digital still camera market in 3-4 years. It's an ambitious move in this economy, especially in the cut-throat DSLR business and with the establishing Micro 4/3 on the way. As previously mentioned, the vague press release and our visit to Samsung booth didn't get much information that's already out there. Today, team DPR has published an exclusive interview with Samsung executives to find out more about the new hybrid.
Summing up, Samsung is determined on the new technology, and will continue to support K-mount DSLR in the future. For system compatibility, an adaptor will be introduced for the new mount on current K-mount DSLR.
A full system, all coordinated from Samsung — sensor, processor, display to undisclosed number of lenses — will be announced in the second half of 2009 but the timing will depend solely on economic forecast. Once established and successfully in penetrating the market, the format will open to 3rd parties' developers.
More detail on the interview is here.