Samsung: 1-In-10 South Koreans Have GSII, But No HD Model For UK

Samsung's Galaxy S II series goes from strength to strength, with the company now claiming that one in ten of all people in South Korea now own the smartphone. Around 5m of the handsets have apparently been sold in the company's home country, making the device one of Samsung's most popular ever. However, Samsung has also confirmed that it has no plans of bringing the Galaxy S II HD to the UK, contrary to suggestions from retailers earlier this week.


Although at least one pre-order listing for the Galaxy S II HD had been spotted in the UK, it's looking increasingly likely that it's for a grey-market import. In fact, the company has no intention to launch the Galaxy S II HD – which has a 4.6-inch 1280 x 720 display – it told Recombu.

That may well be down to the smartphone's LTE chipset, which would be of little use in the UK. Instead, we're guessing Samsung may have a new, 720p-capable smartphone – similar to, but separate from, the Galaxy S II HD – for reveal at Mobile World Congress 2012, which takes place late next month.

Samsung announced last month that it had shipped over 300m phones in 2011, including smartphones and dumbphones. Meanwhile, the company is readying a $41.1bn investment fund for 2012 with which it apparently intends to push mobile chips, OLED technology and battery longevity R&D.


[via Android Community]

