ROMI House Robot Watches You, Obeys You, Cleans Up After You
This robotic bidet is designed to help you freshen up your tush on the move. Hang on, what's that you say? It's not a robot bidet? Well shucks, and here was me all tingly around the nethers at the thought of it. I guess we'll just have to make do with the latest Korean house-bot, ROMI; the pedal-bin-alike trundles around your home, cleaning as it goes, while transmitting video via its WiFi/CDMA connection to your PC or cellphone.
Voice-control means there's no extra remote to lose, and it obviously has the ability to mesmerise a group of engineers (who appear to be viewing ROMI's live streaming video of their own legs on a cellphone). It'll be announced properly at CES, after which nobody will buy it.

ROMI, the Roeen robot [Akihabara News]