RIM admits to being the culprit in Apple Store flashmob

Research in Motion has admitted that it was the one that orchestrated a flashmob scene at an Apple Store in Sydney, Australia. The scene gained mass attention around the world, as people there were depicted as being part of an anti-Apple protest. Participants held up signs that read "Wake Up." It was originally believed that Samsung might be behind the demonstration, since there is a nuclear war going on between Samsung and Apple.Mumblings of RIM were also heard, and before Samsung got too much credit, RIM decided to step in and admit that it was the one behind the entire ordeal. "We can confirm that the Australian 'Wake Up' campaign, which involves a series of experiential activities taking place across Sydney and Melbourne, was created by RIM Australia," the Blackberry maker said. It was designed to get people talking about its upcoming mobile platform update, Blackberry 10.


As part of the flashmob, protestors were seen dressed in black attire, and it reached beyond just the Apple Store. Similar gatherings happened at an Australian news station and near Sydney Harbor. RIM also has a new website that promises to shed light on a big announcement on May 7. It also boasts that it will "aim to provoke conversation on what 'being in business' means to Australians."

[via Apple Insider]

