Resident Evil: Retribution chat with Milla Jovovich [UPDATE: Trailer added]
Have a peek below at Milla Jovovich speaking in Regal Union Square Cinemas in New York on the premiere of the next blockbuster shooter: Resident Evil: Retribution! This film is set to be a science fiction horror action massacre the likes of which have never before been seen on film, and today you can hear Mrs Jovovich speak about the filming of said epic. This live chat is going on right now – have a look below!
This event is being moderated by Jordan Hoffman and will be followed by the first full-length trailer for the movie. Stick around until it's all over and see what evil will bring this time around to the lady in red! This film series is based on the massively popular video game series Resident Evil, if you did not know, a series which is also alive and well in the market right this second (or very soon) with Resident Evil: Revelations, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, and Resident Evil 6.
Once you've had your fill of this interview and the film trailer that follows it, head to our timeline below to get stocked up on all things Resident Evil so you're prepared for the film premiere on September 14th! This movie will be popping up in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D as well!
ALSO check out the Teaser Trailer here – it starts at about 30 seconds in.