Reports of 3DS users feeling ill surface after 3DS showcase in Japan

We have already talked a bit about some of the health issues surround the coming Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo announced a while back that the console should not be used by kids under six with eyes that are still developing. Reports are now surfacing that the 3DS caused some users at a showcase event in Japan to feel ill.


Kotaku reports that a tabloid magazine called Friday interviewed several people after the event and that some users reported feeling dizzy and having eye fatigue after playing with 3D turned on. I take anything that comes from a tabloid with a grain of salt. The Friday article author said, "After playing for ten minutes, I started feeling a little dizzy. It was like being seasick."

Friday isn't the only publication noting people felt ill after playing the 3DS though, much more respected Nikkei also noted that some felt ill. Apparently, a man in a video interview with Nikkei said his eyes felt tired after a few minutes. These issues with 3D certainly aren't limited to the 3DS though. I know several people that can't watch 3D movies because of these exact symptoms. Many of these symptoms are related to 3D in general not just the 3DS specifically.


