Report: Apple Watch heading into mass production soon

Brace yourselves: the Apple Watch is coming. Sometime next year, we'll have our hands on the highly anticipated device, Apple's first true wearable. While we expected to see it launch around April-May, a new report suggests we might get it a whole lot sooner than that. Or, Apple really think they've got a hit on their hands and are just stockpiling devices. Either way, their issues with actually making the watch are said to be over, with the wearable entering mass production a full month ahead of "schedule".


According to Taiwan's United Daily News, the Apple Watch will begin production in January, whereas it was once slated to begin rolling off the line in February.

Apple has also reportedly ordered 24 million watches from their supplier, Quanta. In response, Quanta has reportedly beefed up their workforce five-fold, going from 2,000 workers to 10,000. It's expected to then double to 20,000 as the Apple Watch hits its sales stride in 2015.

That 24 million might sound like an overestimation, but if recent polls are right, it's actually on the mark. If about 10% of iPhone users really are "very" likely to buy the Apple Watch, with a larger percentage of iFolk even mildly interested, 24 million might just keep stock flowing in and out of stores.


This report doesn't specifically outline why Apple would move Watch production up, only making the vague reference that "yield issues" have been resolved. If it's as popular as we think it will be, though, they'll need as big a head start as they can get.

Via: GforGames

