Qualcomm Yagatta platform hands-on

This past month we got to head to Qualcomm's Uplinq developer conference where we were invited to see many fabulous demonstrations – one of which was Yagatta. With the power of Qualcomm's processors and integrated systems, Yagatta works fabulously for rapid deployment and seamless integration, as they say, of text, voice, video, picture, social, and location services. Sounds like one fabulous conglomeration, does it not?


What we've gotten to see here is a quick demo on how Yagatta – in its newest form – will be working. You've got market-ready architecture here complete with ADK and ESE for developers to get off the ground quick, and a set of mobile-optimized protocols to work over both 3G and 4G networks of all kinds. This system has simultaneous voice, data, and media, is able to work with groups for multiparty conferencing, and works with VoIP as well.

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If you head to YagattaTalk right now, you'll see a "we're shutting down" sign on the front door – this is because they're working with Qualcomm to become a much more impressive entity in the very near future. Have a peek at what's being shown thus far from these two heroes and get pumped up about the near future for all manner of communications from the heart of the hardware!


