PS Move and Project Natal are "great honor" to Nintendo

Nintendo have Microsoft closing in on one side with Project Natal and Sony on the other with PlayStation Move, but should they be worried?  Not at all, reckons Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto; he thinks the company should be too busy being flattered by the "great honor" of Wii inspiring the rival motion-control systems.  In fact, he describes Project Natal and Move as "intensified" versions of the Wiimote.

"Nintendo should welcome the opportunity when or where something we have originally tried is intensified by somebody else, because that means that other people are trying to starting to show their appreciation for whatever endeavour we have made in the beginning. The user experience we have created is going to be intensified by the advent of new machines from other companies. It's a new experience that we originated. So we really see it as a great honour" Shigeru Miyamoto

Speaking to CVG, Miyamoto highlighted MotionPlus as an example of Nintendo taking their own innovation and developing it over time, but insisted that the company's motivation is always thinking ahead.  Nintendo's "mission", he claims, is always to create "unique and unprecedented entertainment" rather than compete directly with rivals.

"It needs to be something very different, something unique. That's something we always look for. Of course, sometimes we need to intensify the forms we have already come up with, but that's not the first priority for us. Competing with other companies in that category is never our top priority"

[via T3]

